Hildegarde Handsaeme
Lid sinds 2021
3090 Overijse, Belgium

Hildegarde resides and works in Terlanen (S.E. of Brussels) . With an articulate preference for the figure and the nature of woman she went the self-teaching way in the plastic art form . The sensitive approach of this theme remains her source of inspiration which is utterly inexhaustible . The recognition of her artistic plastic language was a fact a couple of years ago when she obtained the third international prize for painting in Libramont . Hildegarde Handsaeme paints mainly women and follows a harmonic and constructively perfect pattern . The figure in itself is dominating but she knows how to put it the right surroundings where nature and cosmos  play a symbolic part . With a set of straight lines she builds a mysterial haze of inner feelings on the canvas in a simple but penetrative way . She does not call for hallucinating images bet lets herself go with sensitivity guided by an unfailing intuition . Even when the figures at first sight seem distant they point to a certain duality and yet her usage of colours express a honest alliance between the data and the deeper thoughts .Simply and honestly Hildegarde gives us the message of love and tenderness which should be shown to each individual . In a pictural equilibrated and harmonic way she knows how to remind us of the glamorous intuition of woman . (F. De B. 1997)

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